Ada's Story:
Senior Fitness Coordinator
It has been such a privilege to work within the prisons and have an opportunity to train the women in fitness and other technical skills that they can learn and implement into their daily lives.
It has been such a rewarding experience to serve these women and watch them develop and grow, and through this time I have developed and grown in myself just as rapidly.
Every Tuesday and Thursday I get to push the women out of their comfort zone, to encourage them to keep going despite how they are feeling or how much they want to quit, to raise the standard and believe in them, and to see them rise to the challenge.
This is where I find great joy in what I do, seeing the women find a confidence in themselves they did not have before, when they complete and succeed in a task I put before them, when they come to realise that they have a greater potential in them than what they initially believed. This is what I love about working with these women, connecting with them through fitness and helping them find, not only a physical strength, but an inner strength that is greater than their circumstances.