Donna Maree's Story:

Diversion Program Coordinator

I am overseeing the new Diversion Program that uses a collection of personal development tools designed to assist participants in making choices which will divert them from actions and behaviours that may otherwise lead them to the criminal justice system.


For almost three years I have volunteered with Jade Lewis and Friends, and over time I began to question my own purpose in life. I want to make a difference in the lives of those who have not experienced the opportunities I have. This has lead me to leave my previous job in advertising to focus and to study social work part-time on work that directly helps people. Whilst I enjoy connecting with youth in prison, I am excited by the premise of diverting youth from a life of crime that will see them go to prison. I am looking forward to the results this program aims to achieve. 


Office Address

96 Slade Street
Bayswater WA 6053


PO Box 115

Bayswater  WA  6933


Ph: 08 9473 1174

Jade Lewis & Friends Inc. trading as Yellow Ribbon Project, is a deductable gift recipient where all donations over $2.00 are tax deductable in Australia.